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#컴퓨터 과학 [Computer Science]/운영체제 (Operating System)

[OS - 🍎 macOS] DispatchSourceTimer

by cy_mos 2020. 4. 11.

🗂 DispatchSourceTimer

protocol DispatchSourceTimer



A dispatch source that submits the event handler block based on a timer. You do not adopt this protocol in your objects. Instead, use the makeTimerSource(flags:queue:) method to create an object that adopts this protocol.



Dispatch Source는 타이머를 기반으로 이벤트 핸들러 코드 블럭을 제출합니다. 또한, DispatchSourceTimer 객체는 프로토콜을 채택할 필요가 없습니다. 대신에 makeTimerSource(flags:queue:) 함수를 사용하여 프로토콜을 채택하여 객체를 생성할 수 있습니다.

🗂 DispatchSourceTimer Scheduling the Timer Trigger Conditions

🌍 func schedule(deadline: DispatchTime, repeating: DispatchTimeInterval, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

  • Schedules a timer with the specified deadline, repeat interval, and leeway values.
  • 구체적인 마감시간, 반복 주기 그리고 여유 값을 통하여 타이머를 예약합니다.

🌍 func schedule(deadline: DispatchTime, repeating: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

  • Schedules a timer with the specified deadline, repeat interval, and leeway values.
  • 구체적인 마감시간, 반복 주기 그리고 여유 값을 통하여 타이머를 예약합니다.

🌍 func schedule(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, repeating: DispatchTimeInterval, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

  • Schedules a timer with the specified time, repeat interval, and leeway values.
  • 구체적인 시간, 반복 주기 그리고 여유 값을 통하여 타이머를 예약합니다.

🌍 func schedule(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, repeating: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

  • Schedules a timer with the specified time, repeat interval, and leeway values.
  • 구체적인 마감시간, 반복 주기 그리고 여유 값을 통하여 타이머를 예약합니다.

🗂 DispatchSourceTimer Example Source Code


📔 DispatchSourceTimer Example Swift Source Code 001

var timer: DispatchSourceTimer?

private func startTimer() {
    let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.firm.app.timer", attributes: .concurrent)

    timer?.cancel()        // cancel previous timer if any

    timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: queue)

    timer?.schedule(deadline: .now(), repeating: .seconds(5), leeway: .milliseconds(100))

    // or, in Swift 3:
    // timer?.scheduleRepeating(deadline: .now(), interval: .seconds(5), leeway: .seconds(1))

    timer?.setEventHandler { [weak self] in // `[weak self]` only needed if you reference `self` in this closure and you want to prevent strong reference cycle


private func stopTimer() {
    timer = nil

📔 DispatchSourceTimer Example Swift Source Code 002

var timer: DispatchSourceTimer?  // note, unlike `Timer`, we have to maintain strong reference to GCD timer sources

func createTimer() {
    timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: .main)
    timer?.schedule(deadline: .now(), repeating: 1.0)

    timer?.setEventHandler { [weak self] in      // assuming you're referencing `self` in here, use `weak` to avoid strong reference cycles
        // do something

    // note, timer is not yet started; you have to call `timer?.resume()`

func startTimer() {

func pauseTiemr() {

func stopTimer() {
    timer = nil



DispatchSourceTimer - Dispatch | Apple Developer Documentation

Schedules a repeating timer with the specified deadline, repeat interval, and leeway values.



DispatchSourceTimer and Swift 3.0

I can't figure out how to make dispatch timer work repeatedly in Swift 3.0. My code: let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.firm.app.timer", attributes: DispatchQueue.Attr...



A Background Repeating Timer in Swift

Background timers are a very usefool tool in one’s developer toolbox. Most of the time when we want to schedule a repeating unit of work we…



Stop and restart a timer

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