# 애플 [Apple]/macOS

[🍎 macOS] AppKit과 UIKit 차이점 (What is the difference between AppKit and UIKit)

cy_mos 2022. 2. 23. 23:18

🛠  AppKit

AppKit is included in the OS X SDK only. It provides all the classes and controls you need for creating Mac applications.

Most of these classes share a common naming prefix starts with NS and classes you will be working with include - NSView, NSButton.


AppKit은 macOS 운영체제 환경에서 Desktop Application 개발을 위하여 macOS SDK 포함하고 있습니다. macOS 애플리케이션 개발에 필요한 Class 및 Control 제공하며 NSButton, NSTableView, NSScrollView, NSColor 등의 "NS" 접두사를 사용합니다.


  • Cocoa, which includes the Foundation and AppKit frameworks, is used for developing applications that run on OS X.

🛠 UIKit

UiKit is the framework that iOS uses to provide its UI and its classes start with a UI prefix.

For example, both frameworks have a class to represent color include UIColor, while other concepts are pretty unique to UIKit, such as its use of predefined controllers such as UINavigationController and UITabBarController

UIKit은 AppKit과 달리 iOS 운영체제 환경에서 Mobile Application 개발을 위하여 iOS SDK 포함하고 있습니다. AppKit과 달리 UIButton, UITableView, UIScrollView, UIColor 등의 "UI" 접두사를 사용합니다.


  • Cocoa Touch, which includes Foundation and UIKit frameworks, is used for developing applications that run on iOS.

